A quick stopping in, real life is Bizzy

This evening, I parked my butt on the couch to meet the challenge of watching the tv show GLEE!
Actually, I should call it self-defense, I will need to know what all the giggling and squeals are about in tomorrow’s Sixth Grade Current Events session of Social Studies class. There are some really good looking people doing all that singing and dancing on the other side of the glass screen.
Back in my day, I wasn’t glad to be a Sixth Grade girl, and I have observed that knobby elbows, training bra, boys teasing, and multiplication of fractions has not gotten any easier for the latest generation. Yet I find my chair surrounded during tutoring, rather than raising a hand with a question. I must radiate “safe lady” rays or something.

My being a Teaching Assistant over the last few days has helped the students settle into a new routine for the last quarter of the school year, 2 new students in, and 1 transferred out of the group.
I’m not sure where the money for my wages is coming from, but the Resource Teacher is quite grateful for my help, yet it’s only until Spring Break happens next week.

The last few days have been a whirlwind of events surrounding my TA Sub job at the junior high school (which includes walking there and home again); getting ready for the Relief Sale; some birthday greetings to mail off. Add in a request for a bunch of us to get together to give the church kitchen a major Spring cleaning, and I can hardly hear myself think.
The kitchen gig was put off a few weeks, thank goodness. We are going to mess it up all over again on Saturday-Sunday, with a Relief Sale Appreciation Lunch to cook and serve. I will have to check my notes to see when preps are happening, and what dessert I should bring.

Husband’s car goes into the shop in a couple days, just to check it over for safety reasons. He’s on the lookout for a pickup truck. the phrase “midlife desire” comes to mind

Oscar was outside for a long hour after dark this evening. I’m thinking there might be some new baby bunnys in a nest over in the corner of the yard where he has taken a great interest.

Today, the Ides of March 2011, would have been my father-in-law’s 86th birthday. My mind’s eye keeps bringing up mental pictures of him at the stove watching a pan of boiling water for helping me get tomatoes into jars, sawing a board to fit the baby gate at the top of the stairs, running a hand over Joey’s red hair.

When son Lucas was home a few weeks ago, he gave me a sidelong look that was so much like his grandpa that I thought my heart pounding would break a rib. Genes are evident.

Oh dear, look at the time! To bed I must be going, for the alarm clock noises before sunrise.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Family | 1 Comment

This Weekend

seems like so many years ago, well, it was years ago, I was a Volunteer for Hearts at Home. Might even have been the very first, but memory dims.

Yesterday while walking home, I noticed the FULL sign in the Bone Center parking lot, a beautiful sight. All those gleaming vans! and all that moola for hotel rooms and dining space. A good time for our little town while ISU is on Spring Break.

I’m very glad it is Saturday.
My Planner book has a big blank empty white square on this date.
I will fill it up with some crochet, mebbe a load or two of laundry.
And make a pile of items to donate for the central Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale happening next week.
Always busy. I’m still figuring the photo system. I have pictures on the camera’s memory card, but getting them to here causes my brain to stop.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Thinking | 2 Comments

Oy, the Date again

Today would have been my dad’s 80th birthday. I still miss him.

I love when my spouse talks geeky as seen at his Decrepit Old Fool place.

And tutoring multiplication of fractions in Sixth Grade is very boring on either side of the table.
There has got to be a more modern way to do this. Plus somebody really needs to connect the information to everyday life.
I have hardly ever used fractions, even if I sure have cut a great many pies and cakes in my day.
Really, I try to help and make it interesting. I do know the lesson plan. The students manage to get correct answers. But golly, it seems so O.L.D.

Headed to bed. Alarm clock makes the noise at 5:35 in the morning. This week is a TA Sub job every day but Thursday. Not sure I like to be working long hours again, but the paycheck will come when school is off for Spring Break.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in School | 1 Comment

Another Mill bites the dust

The Peaches-n-Creme website has been having a Clearance sale the last few weeks. I have not been able to afford to buy anything, nor have I really needed to, but I like to look.
Ever since Walmart no longer sells the Peaches-n-Creme cotton yarn, I’ve had a yearning to work some with my hands.

Then this morning, I clicked here and there, and learned that the company has been sold.

Sad is not a strong enough word for what I am feeling right now.
For the family owners, the workers, and us customers who love a product so much. My potholders are not the same using a different brand of yarn.

I have some P-n-C yarn in a bin in my hobby room. Whatever I make with it will be done with an extra bit of loving care.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Crochet | 1 Comment

Latest Few Days

My night was short, with very fitful sleep. Went to bed late while waiting for news about Youngest Son’s girlfriend.
She was asked to check on the house and to take care of critters while a friend was out of town. All was well when she went by to get instructions, but while the owner was away, the dog did its “guard duty” and attacked her.
We got the news late in the evening that she was in surgery for an injured hand.
And still nothing updated yet this morning !!! I’m told I don’t need details, but my imagination surely is worse than reality.

Of course, we are up now because Middle Son is leaving on a plane. He checked online to see if the snowy blowy weather is causing problems, but it seems all can proceed. He is so much more able to travel than I am.
Actually, I’m staying in the house and catching up on chores. My guys and their electronic carry-along gizmos are moving right along.

Golly, my last writing didn’t end so good. My feeling poorly seemed to be a 24 hour thing, with several naps helping it to pass.
I went to the grocery store on Tuesday, and welcomed Lucas that evening. He says now that he doesn’t seem bothered by germs, but I wonder if the planes rides back to CA will bother him. He begins a new job at the first of the month, and being sick would not be a fine start.

Husband took some of his vacation days, and being able to hang out with a couple sons has done a world of good for him. We saw even more of the “in-town kid” cuz he wanted to be with his brother. Definitely fond and proud of the boys.

We all went out for lunch on Thursday, and it felt so good to crowd into a booth. Brother banter when they are in their 20s is so good to hear. Really glad they got past those early years, with lines drawn down the middle of the room, and doors slamming.
They have grown up into really great men, and I’m not the only person to say so, so it must be true.

Not even 6am. I’m here on 3.5 hours sleep, but going back to bed while Husband is at the airport across a town full of snow…

Must get away from glowing screen. My eyes have protested.

Will try to update ASAP. Being a bystander is hard on my nerves.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Family | 4 Comments

Oh, Dear, Look at the Time!

Here I sit well past bedtime. Actually, I was in bed at a sweet hour, but I have the beginnings of head cold problems and sinus drainage, causing all kinds of deep coughs.
It’s what comes of being in places with sick people the last few days, and changing over the litter box the evening before trash pickup.
Not to mention the acid reflux, which happens when I eat “other” or perhaps “extra” food at the church potluck, then have a humongous cup of hot chocolate with an afternoon snack of carrot cake. Even if I haven’t had anything other than water and cough syrup since 7pm, my tummy is not happy when I get horizontal in the bed.

I wanted to maybe be knitting a baby hat on the peg loom, but my right index finger has a cut, throbbing when I bump it. Typing is the less painful option, and so far, no blood dripping on the keyboard. How I got the cut caused a bit of disagreement, but part of the story is the plastic wrap box was placed awkwardly in the drawer. You know that metal strip used to tear off just the proper length? It should never meet skin.

We’re getting the back bedroom ready, more or less, for the visit of middle son Lucas. His airplane is promised to come on Tuesday, and I am quite grateful that Monday is a day off school for President’s Day. Husband has been moving around boxes of books, and sorting piles of not sure what, but we can see the bed again. I’ll take all the linens off to do laundry, and vacuum the blinds. It’s been over a year since anybody slept in there. If the Health Dept were called, there would have been all kinds of violations for human habitat.

Having him home is a bit unexpected for me, I’m already booked for a TA Sub job on Wednesday, and an event at church that evening. Husband is able to get some time free, so the kid should feel welcome, if not pampered. We’re making a group lunch date before he goes away again.

Haven’t spoken to relatives lately, so I assume No News is Good News. They live in states in every corner of the continent, it’s hard to keep in touch when half don’t use a computer.

We are all pretty much tired of winter weather. I’m wondering how this ouchie finger will behave when I shove it into a glove.
Golly, I just coughed so hard I had to stand up and put my arms over my head to give my lungs some room.

Looks like a long, unhealthy week ahead for me.
Hope yours goes better.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Personal | 4 Comments

Weekend Over, and how Fast!

What a whirlwind of a weekend I had for my social life!
Actually, Friday was fairly tame, what with SubFinder saying No Jobs Available, then watching tv in the evening.

Saturday started with Husband and me having breakfast out. We love to do that, began the fun years ago, soon as the sons were able to stay home to sleep in and we could get away for an hour or so.
Went to 2 stores before returning home that morning.

Then in the afternoon, I went to a baby shower. Nice fun, even played a few games. I was very good on the Nursery Rhymes fill-in-the-blanks, but dismal on the mother-to-be’s family history.
Ah well, my luck cannot always be the greatest. Oh wait, I did win the number for how many candies was in the bottle.

the pastels colors blankie, which I had crocheted in 9 days, was quite a hit. I told her that having 3 days off school for Inclement Weather, and in the Waiting Room during Husband’s mouth surgery, allowed me to put in some real hooking time.

The cake was quite yummy. It was done by the same bakery as a friend’s wedding cake. I might have to find an excuse to order a cake in the near future.

Went to supper with a friend. My invite, so I drove, and I paid. She seemed pleased, maybe doesn’t get a treat too often, even if it was only a burger and soup.
We were filling time between the shower and the evening activity, a Fundraiser for the Youth Fellowship.

For that event, I had crocheted an aphgan about 40″ mebbe love seat size? several bookmarks, 3 doll blankies, a pair of potholders. They all sold in various ways, so I’m glad my donations have good homes.

Also had a dozen Whimsies from Red Rose tea. Little kids just love those, but it was a mother who had the most personal reaction of memory.
Ate a nice brownie at the cafe area, and brought home a piece of lime cheesecake for Husband.

Had the highest bid, so I brought home a delicious Mixed Fruit pie. Gave a piece to the guy across the street, a couple pieces to youngest son and his sweetie, then Husband and I managed to finish it off over the last couple days.

Sunday morning, I was a bit late getting out the door, so my friend was waiting at her door when I pulled up to give her a ride to church. She was in a good mood, saying how much fun the evening before had been. I love being able to help her get around, since she no longer has a license.
Church service was kinda fun, it was the birthday of the guy who plays Host in the kitchen during Fellowship Hour. Good snacks, some of which were leftovers from the previous event.

Afternoon, Husband and I went to a play on the ISU campus How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. It was our Valentine Date, but I loved being there in a matinee, and coming outside again while the sun was still shining.

Sunday evening, son Chris was back in town again after being out-of-state all week. He and his sweetie came by, just to show us how relaxed he looks. Getting away from SNOW seems to have been good for him. I sent them home with pie, and a couple dvds to watch. Just what a mom is for, yes?

This morning was the monthly meeting of the Mennonite Women at church, so I was over an hour cutting the proper part of soup labels for education, while others knotted a comforter, or hand-stitched a pretty blue and white crib quilt.

After that, I did 2 errands, but decided that driving across town wasn’t gonna happen today, so the third could be put off.

This afternoon, I am at home catching up the laundry. I did not even glance at the pile at the bottom of the chute over the weekend, so how much there was a bit of a shock to me today.

Also cleared off some old boxes of food from the shelf in the storeroom. Something with an Expiration Date of May 2008, I don’t even want to bother with, or risk the wheat of it being wrong for a body.
An article in the paper made me think of doing that. It was about being in the house during bad weather and seeing what might be available to make a meal with.

I’m watching a squirrel scamper across the top of the snow in the yard, then dig down to find an acorn. I noticed a critter doing that on Friday, so apparently this thaw is triggering their memory of the stashed goodies.

Gotta go. the laundry machines have sounded the warning buzzers.
Then comes JEOPARDY! with the computer Watson game on tv.
Such a creature of habit is me.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Sunday is almost Over

Here I sit procrastinating paperwork. Some of it is routine bill paying, there’s a birthday card needing a signature and stuffing of the envelope. Also the beginning pages of the mountain for medical finance.
Very grateful for my desktop copier, purchased a couple years ago when I needed lesson plans for Sunday school. It does so many other things since we bought it.

I will get it all done before the mail truck goes down the Court tomorrow. So far, SubFinder is giving the No Jobs Available signal, so I’ll see how that works out. It would be impossible to walk to the 2 closest school buildings as usual, the sidewalks are still a mess from the storm. It would seem strange for me to drive .8 mile, but if needed, I will.
I don’t know how the children will be going– most likely their parents will drive some, and those at the bus stop will either climb the white mountain or wait in the street.

It was good to go out for church this morning. It was snowing when I started and cleared off the car, but didn’t add up to a full inch– less than the 3″ prediction, thank goodness.

The sermon was very pertinent Nothing Like a Good Storm using the Bible verses when Jesus yelled at the wind to be still. Might have been nice to have a little of that calming ability last Tuesday evening. All of middle USA was praying for some relief.

There was good fellowship over coffee, and many questions about Husband’s recovery. He is doing okay, other than swelling. He says that the surgeon called while I was out, so it was good that he was at home.

For lunch, I brought home Subway sandwiches. We often have them, especially since the new store opened about a mile from the house.
I didn’t think much ahead about my fever blister and having to open lips so wide to bite, nor his tooth removal and advice for soft foods for awhile.
So we cut up our sandwiches into bite size pieces, and broke the potato chips into crumbs. Oh what a pair, we are!
We made a memory to be told through the years.
When I wrote it in my status update on Facebook, a friend made the comment that we would soon be thinking of using a blender.

This afternoon, I got the ironing done. Easy items. Having days off due to Inclement Weather meant fewer work shirts for the wage-earner. The ironing board is still waiting to be folded and put away, tho.

Son Chris came by to pick up his mail, and mention that he’s leaving the state for a few days. Well, his dad knew earlier. Headed for the sunny South, a place with a beach. Didn’t even need a ride to the airport, he will park his car in long-term area. Next snowstorm, somebody else will have to dig it out. His roomie is looking after his cat.
This not-being-needed as mom is difficult to wrap my brain around. My son is a guy who made a goal, saved the money, bought the ticket, has lodging and friends while there.
It’s what we hope for our kids, but now that time is here, I’m still a little awestruck at how good they have grown up.

This evening, Husband was needing to be away from the house (he gets so bored with cabin fever), and we needed a couple things at WallyWorld. The cashier asked something about the Super Bowl, and seemed disappointed at the mumbled response “um, we’re not much into sports games”.

Right now, Husband is on the treadmill. He’s wearing different shoes, and the noise of the belt is softer. He’s also watching a different set of dvds, so not so many giggles as the last week.

I have to go sort the clean laundry into piles, and mate the socks.

Blessings to All on the week ahead 🙂

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Personal | 1 Comment

Is it Really Friday already?

the last few days have been Snow Storm Recovery for us. Our efforts are not so difficult as others, but my shoulders are telling me that shoveling is strenuous exercise.

Oscar does not appreciate the piles of white stuff. I should have my camera handy next time I open the door for him. Such disdain, as only an old cat can show. And I will have to change over the litter box soon. He must be in dire straits, resorting to indoor facilities.

Husband had oral surgery this morning. I’m very glad the storm did not happen on the day of his appointment. As I was in the waiting room, I could eavesdrop on the desk clerks’ phone conversations trying to re-schedule what was missed.
I’m doing Comment updates at his recent blog post front tooth

It was nice to sit in the waiting area and crochet a few rows on a pretty pastels baby blankie. Got a couple comments, and a wistful “I wish I had the patience”. As if patience is why I have a hook in hand– I’m using up personal restless energy in a productive way.

CNN was blathering on the corner tv. The airport at Dallas had to cancel over 600 flights due to freezing rain and 5″ snow on the runways. There is no equipment to handle that type of weather crisis, being so far south.
Chicago would hardly have blipped for 5″ snow. This most recent snowstorm was the first time in 12 years that the Chicago Public Schools closed for Inclement Weather. Go on over to the Chicago Tribune website and look around awhile. Maybe I should give you some of the time I use up for reading it, then we’d both get something more productive done.

It’s Friday. I cannot be thinking about Friday being the end of the week. Three Snow Days off school aka TA Sub job, being Unavailable there for today, so I could be Spousal Support for Husband’s procedure.

Today feels more like a entry for a journal. And it is an ominous, back-of-my-mind kind of annoyance that is not gracious for my body, nor sleep and appetite patterns. Husband says that worry doesn’t solve any problem, and that I should do less of it.

Speaking of eating– my hurried and small breakfast was hours ago,
and having crunched a full scoop of almonds while sitting here typing, I think I should go rustle up some vittles for lunch.
Wonder if the mister would like some scrambled eggs. Those are on the recommended Soft Foods list.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Partner | 3 Comments

Out There, then Home Again

During yesterday’s church announcement was an invitation to a baby girl shower on Saturday 12 February. Which leaves me less than 2 weeks to crochet a baby blankie!

I had decided to have today off, since the furnace guy was coming at 2pm for the routine check-up. Which left the morning to go out for a few groceries. After looking through my bins and shelfs of yarn, I decided that something brand new and well-chosen would be more fun to work with my hook.

First stop at Kroger got most of the fixins for chicken noodle casserole. Husband wants some for leftovers to carry as his lunch. There were no carts in the entry area! It seems everybody is getting ready for a blizzard. Forecast is about 15 inches.

I usually get a rotisserie chicken at SAM’s, but was thinking about the yarn, so I pulled into Walmart next. Their sport weight yarn section was almost bare, as in a couple knotty skeins without labels, and 6 plain white. I almost cried. Today was the first time in quite awhile that I left Walmart with empty hands.

Then I crossed the street to Meijer. I had to return/replace an item that was broken when I took it from the package. It was more crowded than either of the first 2 stores. But it does have BERNAT Super Value 4-ply yarn, and so I bought 7 skeins of pretty pastels to crochet the blankie. Being thicker and bigger hook, I should be able to get it done in time, although I do prefer sport weight.

I was pretty worn out by then, so I just went over to their deli to get a chicken. They looked so puny compared to SAM’s that I had to leave it be. Nor did I want to drive to another store, so I bought a whole chicken cut-up on sale from the Poultry refrigerator.

the first white flakes hit the windshield as I turned the corner to my street home

Had put chicken in to roast while I was waiting for the furnace guy.

the meat will be ready to pick apart in a few minutes, then I’ll have to be prepping the casserole

Which means I won’t be able to handle hook and yarn for awhile yet. It will be my personal reward for all the other stuff going on today.

As if I’m not busy enough, I have to medicate a blistered-and-itching-as-hell cold sore on the right edge of my lower lip.
Nice to have a coupon for $3 off the Abreva tiny tube.

I sure am glad for Husband’s good job, cuz the debit card got a workout today. I cain’t even give him a kiss of gratitude.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

Posted in Crochet, Partner | 3 Comments