Monthly Archives: May 2010

Checked off something on my list

Sending these bookmarks to my mom as the second half of her request for graduation gifts for kids at her church. Because I am on a deadline production schedule, the patterns are easy for my mind and fingers. Intricate lace … Continue reading

Posted in Crochet | 4 Comments

Old Enough to Know Better

This morning I pedaled my bicycle all over, while shopping at Yard Sales. My girl cat is not eating very well. Especially dislikes the new, doctor recommended, pate. So I chopped up some chicken and put a little warm water … Continue reading

Posted in Personal | 4 Comments

Not exactly what you want to read

No Wedding Trip Report written yet. Been very busy with Mahalia the diabetic cat. She had a bit of an episode of confusion on Saturday with Geo, then I got her to a regular appt check-up on Tuesday, and the … Continue reading

Posted in Family | 4 Comments

Road Trip for a wedding

Time slips by, and I forget to write about happenings. I’m going on a Road Trip for my nephew’s wedding. There will be No Comics or Facebook or silly little messages until after I return to this box, since I … Continue reading

Posted in Family | 7 Comments

Natural Balance on the front walk

With sad news today, I must report the demise of a bird with yellow and brown feathers. It was found by me on the front walk at 7:05 this morning, with a broken neck and its abdomen torn open. In … Continue reading

Posted in Family | 1 Comment

A few minutes in the middle…

This week has been quite busy in real life! And yet, I cain’t ‘member zaktly what all I’ve done. Haven’t bothered to step on the scale at all, cuz I’ve been eating some weird food. Yesterday’s chili dog/ school lunch … Continue reading

Posted in Thinking | 5 Comments

Peaches-n-Cream Goodness

Awhile back, someone brought a delicious fruit salad to a church potluck. I asked for the recipe, which she said was quite easy, and it is. However, I noticed when I used the canned tropical fruit salad (my favorite) then … Continue reading

Posted in Food | 5 Comments