Water, Spouse, Game Show

The deluge of rain today brought some water in the basement.
this house is old, without a sump pump
this morning, I had put down a couple old towels to catch it, and squeezed them out in the mop bucket.
Not even a half gallon to pour out.

The dehumidifier machine is running nicely, and it is easy to empty.

Here’s hoping we don’t have to pull out the wet vac machine, cuz that is usually Geo’s duty and I would have to figure out how to even turn the thing on.

Chris called to say the sump pump at his house had quit.
I said “it’s a rental, call the landlord”
which had already been done and they found a broken piece of an old Game Boy in a very important place

All Righty then, not caused by the current guys.

When I was getting tired of the hospital, Geo’s boss was there, and it seemed he needed to get some info about the job,

so I decided to come on home in time to watch JEOPARDY!
Mahalia and I have a date every afternoon.
When she hears the music, she jumps onto the couch and we watch Alex together.

There is a regularly scheduled monthly meeting this evening, and my husband is insisting that I attend.  He says he wants me to have something else to talk about tomorrow.  He says the nurses are doing a fine job of taking care of him.

Gotta go put a load of laundry from washer to dryer before I go out.

Thanks for reading!

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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