Dear Ones,
Last evening when I went to bed, I thought Oscar was in his safe spot under the basement steps
the place where he goes when there is thunder
at 3:20 when I woke up to use the bathroom,
the sky was quiet so he should have been on the bed in his usual place beside my shins
He Was Not
I went to see if he was on the back porch waiting to get inside
No again
I went back to bed anyway, was not quite alert enough to put on a bra and shoes then go hunting
he was waiting on the front porch when I opened the door to bring in the paper
Good thing the boy kitty is still with us.
When Geo was passing a kidney stone in early Dec 1992, there had to come a transfer from our local hospital to
one in Urbana covered by our then insurance.
I picked Geo up at Brokaw, chart and X-rays in hand, brought him home
we took a very sick Leica cat to the vet for the final trip
came home, he dug a hole in the back yard
saying the moving would help pass the stone
when the boys got home from school we buried our kitty
then I drove Geo to Carle hospital in Urbana
I don’t think my husband could stand another cat dying while he was dealing with physical pain
so Man oh Man, was I glad to see the whiskers, gray and white head-to-tail fur ball this morning
I alternated between hugging and scolding him for 10 minutes
and then I set a nice spoonful of 9 lives in a dish in front of his koot widdle face
he’s on his shelf by the window now—I made sure of it
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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