Didn’t Break the Camera

The chip in my camera has been declaring FULL ever since Women’s Retreat and Hurricane Ike back in September.  By looking at photos of the little screen on the back, I would delete a couple that were blurry or otherwise unsuitable, then I could take another one or two.
It was getting annoying, doing this, and I missed a prime afternoon for taking Fall colors photos of the maple tree.

This afternoon, Husband and I are driving by car an hour across the prairie to see son Lucas and to meet his sweetie’s parents.
Major social occasion here.  I’m not sure exactly what happens when his parents meet her parents and there is a wedding to begin planning for Summer, date not yet set.

I needed to deal with the camera chip to be ready for this definite photo op, so this morning I went to a store and spent time with a machine ordering prints of memories.

The words on the screen said a file could not be displayed, so I skipped it.  When I got home, I put the chip in the card reader and looked around on my own screen.  The computer was going a bit nuts, with pop-ups saying something I already knew.
You probably have similar stories to tell.

Anyway, after awhile of futile attempts to DELETE already,
I went and pestered my In-House Computer Support guy,
who took the chip, put it into his camera (which is just like mine) and re-formatted the chip, bringing up a delightful No Images.

In order to prove that all is well, he took this photo of me wearing my hometown hoodie, which was purchased last summer when I went back to the Valley for high school alumni reunion.  Fall is first weather comfortable to use it.

perhaps I should go gel down my cowlick

Our weekend is off to a great start, and promises to get better.

Here’s hoping yours does the same   🙂
~~love and Huggs, Diane

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