I had just reached the top of the basement steps, after putting in a load of laundry. Husband called me over to where he was stretching his calf muscles, prior to getting on the treadmill.
I’ve some ups and some downs the last few days.
Today, along with the dark gray rainy weather, was especially down.
Youngest Son Chris is having apartment problems, but he says it is his story to tell, so I can’t write about it for my blog.
Husband wanted me to come across the room so he could wrap his arms around me and mention that fretting does not bring out the best in me, and to tell me that these things have a way of getting sorted out and getting over.
Then he kissed me, lips then forehead.
It’s a good thing, sharing LIFE with him.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
ps Tomorrow, I’m working a day in Kindergarten.
I hope that Play Dough is not on the schedule.
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