Just letting everybody know that I arrived back in our little town on the prairie on Tuesday evening.
My time away was fine.
Visiting a bunch of folks, the Banquet, church services, giving crocheted potholder lessons to my Aunt Ruth, taking a nap on Mom’s couch every afternoon.
Wednesday was for catching up the laundry and getting reacquainted with the cats, who did not at all like the smells I brought back with me.
Today is Thursday, with a morning visit to the walk-in clinic.
It seems I have a germ, which is causing an awful earache, sinus drainage, raw throat, gravelly voice, and great fatigue. The doc did not even bother to swab for a strep test, he just glanced here and there, saying several parts are swollen, then wrote a scrip for a broad spectrum antibiotic.
I almost stayed home after, but I have missed my buddies of the Yarn Group.
The doc doesn’t think I’m contagious, so I figured I could sit at home or I could sit in a room at the activity center. Either way, I’d have a hook and thread in my hands.
I sat off to one side and tried to stay quiet, but everybody wanted to hear about my trip.
Although I got talked out and tired out pretty quick.
The hour is late, seeing that LOST is already over,
so I gotta get to bed.
Y’all please send good vibes that I get to feeling good enough to go out and find a Summer job.
Most likely, I shoulda had one already lined up, but the last couple weeks of the job at school, and then plans and doing the trip took up all my energy.
My mom says “the Lord will provide” and I must agree.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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