when Love won’t let ‘em go

Here they are, the Lucas-loveys

Lucas sez
” Feel free to toss whatever you want from the bag.”

but I don’t think I am the one who can do it

the tiger was sewed and stuffed by Grandma and makes a great ‘cry into’ pillow

the purchase of the white bunny has a yard sale story

the My Buddy doll was a Christmas gift from Aunt Stephanie

the Good Luck bear was sewed and stuffed by Grammie as a birthday present

the handmade doll was a special order from a lady at church (note the blonde hair and grey eyes)

and it is wearing a sweater that Lucas loved when he was three years old, which is why it became the doll’s outfit after Lucas outgrew it

the snow leopard was a whole bunch of fun and games for my home daycare kids

the Donald Duck was in a kid’s meal from Hardee’s the day I got the sons picture taken at a studio

there are too many Mommy memories

and so I sat here and rocked them and hugged them and put them back into the bag but I cannot carry it out to the curb

even though they all are 20 years old with some ?? stains

but I can’t bear to think of anyone else abusing them

and I really can’t throw them away today

No, not today…maybe after more time in the storeroom

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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