Most folks who know me understand that I will try to save money whenever possible. I especially don’t like spending money on ME, figuring there will always be somebody who might be worse off than I am.
A few years ago when I first began classes at HCC, I would drive past a beauty school on the same road.
I soon learned the haircuts on Wednesdays are only $5 when done by a student. The going rate for a haircut in a regular shop begins at $12, and goes up from there.
Well, hey, I’ve been a student many a time, and I do like a bargain, especially when a shampoo and style are included.
I have been getting haircuts there in the years since.
In a couple weeks, I’m going to have to get my Unit 5 ID photo done, so I thought I would get my haircut today, then have some time for it to settle in by picture day.
The student (I don’t remember her name, I’ve been terrible lately) got through the usual chitchat about what kind of haircut I want. Very basic, I said. Make it stop tickling my neck while I’m riding my bicycle, above the ears, and be sure to pay attention for the cowlick there towards the top right.
Her fingers smoothed my hair this way and that, and she said hhhmmm in all the necessary places.
She called over the Instructor, who recognized me and my hair as fine as a baby’s fuzz.
We got through the shampoo and rinse, conditioner and rinse, with me having to tell her 3 times that the water was too warm.
At least she didn’t get any in my ears—I hate that.
Then I was in the chair with scissors clicking for a little over 30 minutes.
The Instructor marked OK on the student ticket, so I believe her grade was passing.
I knew, however, that this would not be the finest haircut I’ve ever had. As soon as I felt the comb do a ‘part’ on the top left, I realized I was getting a style. Then there was a bit of ‘teasing’ on the crown “to give it some lift and body”. Then she asked about hairspray, so I said it would be fine if it is unscented, since I’m allergic to so many perfumes. Quite a bit was applied while she used her hand to shield my eyes.
I must admit, when I put on my glasses, I did look nicely different, with my hair parted on the other side.
However, by the time I paid my $5, then walked across the parking lot in the humid air, the hairspray had given up. The drive home with the windows down defeated the style’s efforts.
in the mirror
I’m glad I have a couple weeks to make adjustments.
from arm’s length
the cowlick will have its way is all I’m sayin’
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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