Here are some of the folks back in the Valley.
My friend Karen. My first memory of her is 3rd grade, but we might go back further than then.
This is her front yard, which she is shaping up to be a beauty in the neighborhood. It’s very steep, so mowing is a problem.
If it gets planted in perennials and pretty rocks, no grass grows, so fewer problems with maintenance.
Here we are in her back yard as a self-portrait.
The bush with the pink flowers is going to be transplanted away from center.
My brother-in-law Joe, and youngest sister Danna.
they’ll be married 19 yrs in Sept
Danna and her nephew Chris
in her dining room
Diane and Mom and Danna
An old friend I’ve known since church camp and Youth Rally.
his name is Bill, and he’s available
Aunt Sara came in from near Tucson, AZ
she didn’t often sit still long enough to get a good pose
The rocking chair on Mom’s porch is brand new.
It was a gift from Denise and Don for Mother’s Day.
I can vouch that it is quite comfy.
My sister Denise and her husband Don
married 26 years
Nephew Danny and his cousin Chris
There were a few other folks, especially at church and the banquet, but I didn’t always have the camera ready.
I was too busy chatting to do photography.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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