Co-workers, be nice to them

This morning, Husband and I had the pleasure of the company of a friend during breakfast.  We agree that the pancakes are quite tasty at the Garden of Paradise.
Plus, she picked up the tab!

She told an amusing story about how there was a little while when she worked at a video rental store.  She said the manager liked to throw his authority around, made sure she stayed on task, etc.  It was just a temp job, she got called to a place where she is able to use her education and be self-directional.
A couple years later, as part of her job, this fellow shows up with a deal to set up and carry out within her department.
She says she moved him a little further down the list for the completion date, just for old times sake.

I told her that sounded like a direct line with the quote laminated and hanging on the wall of one of my former jobsites.

Be careful.  The toes you step on today may be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.

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