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Category Archives: Thinking
Her Speech at Commencement
Why I am sitting indoors on a lovely evening I am watching/ listening to a speech by author J. K. Rowling at graduation for Harvard class of 2008 it’s well worth the time and inspiration the InnerNet is a wondrous … Continue reading
Interruption of my Solitude
When will I learn to not answer the phone during the day? it’s what the machine is for, yes? When the phone rang I was sitting on the couch, the last song on the cd playing, the last few stitches … Continue reading
Reading the other section of the newspaper
This morning’s paper has an announcement that a movie star couple are able to welcome twin baby girls into their family. The main reason I am interested is the babies were born to a surrogate mother, in the same hospital … Continue reading
So Glad the Sons are Bigger Now
found via Google Reader, hat tip to George Iffen I were not so tired, I might have a few stories of mine own to go along with what he said No, your kids are not adorable but there are others … Continue reading
Posted in Thinking
Same Action, Two Meanings
When I was a kid, there was a show on tv with the name Dark Shadows. A couple of my friends rearranged their hours to be able to watch it every afternoon, but my mother absolutely forbid viewing at our … Continue reading
Posted in Thinking
Sincere Condolences
By way of Susie’s Sunday post I learned that Old Horsetail Snake has passed from this world to the next. Although I did not follow closely on his blog, I loved the comments he wrote for some folks. So sweet, … Continue reading
Posted in Thinking
Same Ol’ Stuff
A beautiful morning, full of sunshine outside 🙂 According to Mahalia, who only ventured as far as the top edge of the porch steps before turning around to run back inside to the litter box to do her business, it … Continue reading
Posted in Thinking
Place Holder
Two inches snow and it is still coming down. Everybody cross yer fingers for school closed for inclement weather. Otherwise, fer Wednesday, I signed on to be a TA Sub for 5th grade. I didn’t realize I’ve been a whole … Continue reading
Monday afternoon Music
Husband is off work today, but he left for the coffee shoppe to be able to study. Personally, I don’t know how he manages to get any learning done when there are so many other people around to watch, and … Continue reading
Happy New Year!
Staying home tonight, in 17oF weather. The young folks across the street are having a mild party. Only four trucks parked in front. While I was taking out the trash, I looked up past the streetlight and could see the … Continue reading