Well, Folks, my dear Husband says I should write about the $5, the story of which is almost a month old, and has been told out loud at least 3 times.
Just a minute while I clean the grease off my glasses, and open the door for the cat to go outside to nap on the porch
this is actually a picture of me on my birthday, age 56 on 10 June, holding a plate with tiramisu cake on it. and the shirt I’m wearing is from my home church’s anniversary — same weekend was my sister Denise’s 40th birthday, which tells you how long I like to keep comfortable clothes and will wear something that says CELEBRATE for my own birthday 14 years later
but notice up there behind my head in the doorway is the chin-up bar with magnets holding things
One of the things is a $5 bill, with a note written on the date 23 May.
the last 2 days of school were Monday and Tuesday of that week, and I had worked both days at a junior high. Being out of the house left me feeling kinda crowded on time to have things done and ready for my trip outta town
On Wednesday, 23 May, I was doing all kinds of errands, with a plan to be leaving for Ohio on Thursday 24 May. My MFHS Alumni Association Banquet happened on Memorial Day weekend. I was staying with my mom
Husband suggested that we meet for lunch at Merry Ann’s diner. He had a meeting in a nearby building, and wanted some company. Any other time, we ride our bicycles, cuz we are a couple hipster middle-agers. But this was a day on the job for him, and I had to fit in *a date* with everything else on my list.
Merry Ann’s is on a very busy corner of town, and parking along the closest curb is parallel kind, which I avoid. There is a public parking lot down the block, but being on a One-Way street, it is difficult to get in and out of.
Construction going on between the parking lot and the diner.
I finally found a spot along a street almost 2 blocks over, and had to walk back to the diner past the construction zone, and crossing a busy 3 lane street.
Got there almost 10 minutes late, rather hot in both body and attitude.
Husband got me to calm down long enough to order, and the server put a glass of filtered ice water in front of me.
We talked about his meeting, and my upcoming driving experience to the far side of Ohio, and other soft topics.
After lunch, we had a quick smooch by the door, then he walked one direction to his office, and I walked the other way to my car, with the rest of my things to do.
Just after I crossed busy College Avenue, wind-wrapped around the lower trunk of a tiny tree, I spotted something green– money. Leaning in, I saw it was a $5, perhaps lost by one of the construction workers, or dropped by someone going into the parking garage.
I looked around, but no one else even close, and only 30 feet from my car.
I snatched it up, and stuffed it into my pocket.
When I got home, I was putting items away, and pulled my list out of my pocket, along with the $5.
I put the money under a magnet on the bar, to remind myself to tell Husband the story of how I came out a bit richer for going to meet him for lunch as he asked.
And I did not take it with me on my trip to see my mom because I needed to write a blog post.
which I am doing at this time because there is a pallet of laundry to get done, and I am procrastinating any other household chores.
Now, I will take that $5 from under the magnet. My usual strategy with “found money” is to donate it to a worthy cause. But I think for this purpose, I will buy some yarn with it to have some fun (other than provide blog fodder), then donate the craft project to a worthy cause.
Winners all around, wouldn’t ya say?
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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