Today I learned that a guy who was in our wedding party is going to be a “Pappy”. That seems odd to me, I’ve known him since our church camp days, which means more than 40 years. He’s old enough, just a few months younger than I am, and I remember holding his firstborn son when my own was just a toddler. And his kid got married a couple years back, so I guess it’s time to begin his family.
Still… him… a grandparent. Time keeps moving on.
The weather is dismal and getting colder and darker. We’re expecting snow flurry and a major drop in temperature this evening.
Therefore, I took advantage of having an open day to run some errands before any sort of Alert happens.
I mailed off the envelopes containing bill payments, got a haircut at the beauty college on 50% off day (my charge was $4) carried the recycle baskets to the town bins, bought a roasted chicken to make a casserole for supper.
I talked myself out of stopping at a craft store. Over Christmas break, I re-organized a couple shelves and bins in my hobby room, and found some nice stuff waiting, with a couple Unfinished Projects I should work on before starting new stuff.
Here at home, I found the coupons waiting beside the keyboard. Good thing I did not try to buy anything!
The reason I sat down at my desk here and now was to shred a bunch of junk forms which arrived unwanted in the mailbox. I know somebody gets paid to stuff the envelopes, and a government employee is paid to drop ’em thru the slot, but I think they are way too much trouble for me.
So, my sidetracked is done, and I gotta go. JEOPARDY! is happening in a little while, and I gotta get my cuppa hot chocolate ready for when Oscar and I settle in on the couch.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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