A couple years ago, I was walking across the campus Quad on my way to a Recital where my youngest son would be performing. I was excited to have a reason to be somewhere other than the house, and LIVE music for FREE!
Just a few paces from the building, a college girl crossed my path. Someone called her name and asked if she wanted to go somewhere else. She did not slow down at all, and I heard her call out “Actually, I have just enough time to get back to my room to see HEROES.” I remember thinking that real people performing inside might be a better experience than a television show.
I did not think of this again at all in the intervening time, until Monday when a package arrived. Inside was a dvd of the first season of the tv show HEROES. Husband had ordered it to watch while he walks the treadmill. It comes highly recommended by our two younger sons, who apparently talked about it while they were home at Christmastime.
Over breakfast this morning, I heard a bit of plot for HEROES. I’ll have to put it on my watch list.
Today, another box was dropped on the porch by the mail carrier. Inside is a graphic novel, with a very colorful cover. I believe it is based on the show.
Some folks got all hepped up about Super Bowl.
They were playing football, right?
~~love and Huggs, Diane