There Again, Home Again

Last evening I was all excited to have a TA Sub job available! Whew, earning a bit towards postage for sending out boxes!  Plus in a building where I have not been a Sub yet this semester, a drive in the country on a pretty morning.  There were machines and trucks at work in a corn field, which is very telling about the weird weather lately.

The office did not give me any Sub notes, but as soon as I got to the room the First Grade teacher explained my duties as a one-on-one with a student.  One Adult—One Special Needs Student (our tax dollars working hard)
I know my job pretty much, but I have found that a teacher wants to be sure the lesson is heard and her expectations met within that classroom.  And this one is fair and flexible.

She then asked if I know how to run the copy machine, and would I please go make 24 pages?  I love being a TA, getting paid to operate an automatic machine.

When the kids filed into the classroom, it seemed that my assigned student was not there.  I was sent to the cafeteria, where the Aide motioned for me to wait while a little boy finished his breakfast.  I thought he was mine, so I did.

I rescued a still-wrapped, warm biscuit just before it went into the trash (our social program food dollars). School kids send so much food into garbage bins.
One day at a different school, I watched a boy toss a cheese and cracker snack pack into the trash—something his parents paid for and had not even been opened.  When I asked him why he threw it away? he said his mom doesn’t like him to bring stuff back home. She thinks he eats all his lunch.

The boy I had supervised walked down the hall to K-gdn.  The child I was to assist was nowhere to be found.  The office assistant had to call two phone numbers to learn that he would be absent today.
The teacher said she did not need me for anything else, other teachers were doing fine, there was no pile waiting beside the copy machine.

So, I was sent away after being in the building a whole 40 minutes.  When I got home, I called PayRoll and asked what to do about my Time Sheet, and was told that I would be paid a Half Day for driving there and waiting until cleared to leave.
There are no other jobs on SubFinder for today.  I had a biscuit with butter and Ginger Peach jelly, and a cup of tea as a mid-morning snack.  So it looks like a dvd and some knitting will be happening!

So nice that I have a working husband.  You already know how easy my life is, and still I’ll be paid for a few hours to be at home 🙂

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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