Quote from long ago: the hurrieder I go, the behinder I get
If I didn’t know better, I would think my body is having PMS. All day it seemed like I couldn’t finish a task (the towels are folded but not put away), spilling stuff (sugar on the stove, counter, floor), forgetting what I went down to the basement to fetch (brown gravy mix for the beef roast and potatoes).
Today was a school holiday, and there were 6 things on my To Do List. As I sit here thinking about getting ready for bed, I look around and see that 5 of the things are still waiting.
Husband assures me that everyone has an “Off” day sometimes. Although the things need to be done, nothing is urgent and will wait until I get around to it.
Bless his heart, he even loaded the dishwasher while I’m in front of the blue screen.
So I guess I should log off and move along.
Job in an elementary school tomorrow, but I don’t recognize the name of the regular TA, so I’m not sure what I’ll be doing. I hope it does not involve cafeteria supervisor, which is second on my Dislike List, after Bus Lane Duty.
Here’s hoping your week began a bit easier.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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