my Angel of Learning got her head rubbed several times “for Luck” lately; she was a long ago gift from a nice parent for teacher appreciation
My bi-focals and my voice got a workout this week.
Teaching Assistant Sub jobs took me to different buildings.
On Tuesday, in a Second Grade class, I read aloud the Spelling words list for a quiz, saying a sentence with each word in proper use.
Wednesday, at one junior high classroom, in the morning I was the Narrator for a Reader’s Theater about Earth Day.
In the afternoon, I read a chapter from The Outsiders to an Eighth Grade Accommodated Reading Group. As we were putting the chairs away to go back and join the rest of the class (who had been doing Silent Reading) I overheard one of “my” students tell another that he wished I would be there all the time.
Thursday morning, in the church Nursery, it was storybook reading, about a little teddy bear going through the routine of the day. Two-year-olds like repetition.
Friday, different junior high, read aloud a chapter from The Diary of Anne Frank to a full class.
Sunday morning Worship Service was a greater event.
At some time awhile back, I must have signed the volunteer sheet to say I would read the Scripture. When I got the e-mail saying which chapters and verses, I thought “that seems like a lot”
Although we do have the requested version of the Bible on the shelf, I went to a place on the ‘Net and copied the texts, then went to my word processing program and dinked around with it—like making the letters much enlarged and in bold.
I also wrote at the top exactly what I was going to say (such as my name) so that all I had to do was read it.
As always, the presence of a microphone, plus knowing there is a recording going on, really makes me nervous.
Also, I had to figure out about how to get from my usual seat way in the back to the podium without all eyes on me. When I got dressed this morning, I made sure to be wearing shoes which do not click with every step.
As luck would have it, just before it was my turn, there was a hymn when the congregation would stand to sing.
I was able to walk up to the first row just fine.
Then as the audience was getting comfortably seated again, I stepped up onto the stage.
I had my Bible with me just in case, but actually, I read from the printout pages. Putting the letters in bold was definitely a smart thing to do.
Then I stepped down at one side, just as the minister was walking up on the other.
Pretty smoothe transition, I thought 🙂
A dear friend gave me a thumbs up as I passed, and another reached out and brushed the back of my hand with her fingers as I passed by. She had a big smile on her face.
Whew! Done with a worthwhile project!
During Fellowship Hour, several folks said I done good (one fella who has never talked with me before), that I should read more often, that it shows I can be a teacher in storytelling mode.
As mentioned, I feel like I have read quite enough this week.
Time for a Sunday siesta.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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