On Sunday, at church there was a small group gathered for lunch after services, but I declined the invitation to stay and eat, saying I had a date with my spouse 🙂
While we had sandwiches at Subway on Raab, we watched through the window as gusts of wind would blow trash across the parking lot and cause waves in the water detention basin.
As we buckled back into the car, he asked if I wanted to go see the waves at Lake Bloomington?
Well, sure, we can decide what to do as a couple.
We stopped back by the house to fetch our cameras.
The drive through the country was lovely.
Many of the fields have been plowed already, waiting for a warmer day to get the seeds planted.
I love the big blue sky of the prairie.
By the time I adjusted to the change in temperature and looked around a little, Husband was already making his way closer to the water.
See that little red dot almost in the middle of the bridge?
that’s my guy
By the time I caught up with him, he was already waiting to catch just the proper ray of sunlight and gust of wind to get the picture he has already posted over at his blog
he says he was in no danger
even with wind squalls of 38mph
I did feel a need to be concerned.. .
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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