Definitely Earning my Wages these days

Home from the TA Sub job at the high school.
Another one of those days where us aides push wheelchairs where assigned, but it’s called PE.

A Summer on the treadmill and lifting hand weights was good prep for the job, but not the same as concrete floors and a kid with flailing arms.

Soooo Tired.  Sat on the back steps to read the mail and enjoy bird songs.

When I came inside, I made a latte chiller using a powder mix and blender.
Tastes alright, and much less pricey than stopping off at the drive-thru.

Almost time for JEOPARDY! and host Alex Trebek.
Be Still My Heart—I love the guy’s voice and academic attitude.

Hope your week is doing okay.  I am where I am needed.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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