Taking a break from the clearing of the Study Room.
Time for the dust to settle, while I type a bit.
Yes, indeedy, much of yesterday, I was pulling boxes of fabric out of the closet, looking over papers and report cards from 1994, tossing old issues of the magazines National Geographic and Smithsonian into a blue bin for re-cycle.
My break yesterday was to take Oscar to the doctor. He was listless all weekend, would not touch any dry food, although he gobbled up all the 9 Lives chicken & tuna I would put into the bowl at regular intervals. At the pet hospital, he got a free claw trim (so the nurse wouldn’t get scratched), a shot of B vitamins and one of antibiotics in his hip, and had to be shaved in a spot to stick a vein for a vial of blood.
Just got off the phone with the elder Dr. Bussan (the younger Dr. Bussan was in oldest son Joe’s chemistry classes at ISU).
The lab report for our kittycat is within normal ranges on all his bloodwork.
Apparently, he’s got the summer blahs, same as the rest of us.
At Nils recommendation,
I ordered the book The Summer of the Marco Polo.
Even though I read all the information (ie: Shipping Address) three times before I clicked checkout, the purchase statement reads like my mother-in-law might be getting that particular copy.
I’m thinking I might order another just to be sure I get to enjoy it! Better two than none, plus the opportunity for gift giving.
My cd of Alison Krauss is playing Missing You.
No more sitting still—I gotta get up and dance.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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