Seven + 1 Baby Hats

This morning I took 7 little baby hats I’ve knitted on the loom to church for show-n-tell.  Some folks who read my Dear Ones e-mails like to see the actual items before I pass them along.
I dropped the knitting loom into a canvas bag just in case anyone asked how I make the hats.  I figured I would be too busy to actually do anything with yarn today, since I had a bit extra set-up for the type of snacks on the tray to serve during Fellowship Hour.

A friend asked me to show her how the yarn and pegs work.  She caught on fairly quickly, and seemed quite content to loop around, knit off, loop again.
shonuff, I got called to the kitchen for clean-up.  Next thing I know, my friend said she had to be going, but I counted 8 rows on the loom she had worked.

During a congregational meeting, I finished the hat she had begun.

As soon as she could after the meeting, a young girl came over and asked if she could learn how to loop the yarn around the pegs.  She got a little group around, watching at first, then trying their own way to work with the yarn.  Their mothers were very patient, and two say they will be buying the looms and signing up for the class at Michael’s Craft Store.  Now that they know the girls have an interest, and how easy it is to do the loops and correct most mistakes, this could be a worthwhile investment.

To see a kit hanging on the shelf at the store might raise interest, but to see someone in the corner of the Fellowship Area and working with the loom seems to be much better advertising.  If there were enough money to earn a living, I could be working at the craft store already.
However, time is worth something, and nobody wants to pay a proper salary for hobby knowledge.
Besides, I don’t ever want Yarn to become Work.  I do this for Fun!  which is why I usually give references to established classes rather than lessons.

worked with 4 ply acrylic yarn
going to the newborn nursery at the hospital

~~love and Huggs, Diane

ps Isn’t that red-white-blue just the cutest?  I thought I was going to run out of the multi, so I looped in some red for a nice stripe.  I still have a tiny bit of the patriotic—enough for a stripe in a different hat later.  Imagine handing over a baby wearing that hat to a new mother on the 4th of July…..

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