The rains came down, and the puddles formed big. Husband used up much of the weekend getting water out of a corner in the basement. A towel, squeegee, dehumidifier machine, and even the air conditioner. Owning property is almost as difficult as nagging a landlord.
I watched a rented dvd of The Lake House. I decided the Deleted Scenes should be re-inserted when the movie is put on dvd. It would help much with understanding the plot.
The outside thermometer touched the number 70F today. There are crocus and daffodils blooming in yards up and down the street. Looks like the month of March will go out like a lamb.
This morning, I returned the dvd to the store, and mailed off a couple things at the post office. The walk might be recommended by the podiatrist, but my left knee did not like it one little bit.
I had to take an analgesic when I got home, which made me sleepy. I had a half hour nap, with Mahalia on my lap, in the corner of the couch. I would say sitting still for so long offsets the walking, which means I’ll have to start it all over again tomorrow.
The school district is on Spring Break this week, so no chance to be called in as a TA Sub. I probably should be doing something really productive like clearing space in the Study. I took a nap until the idea passed.
If a Survey-taker is going to call, it would be better for her if she does it while I am sitting at the computer playing Solitaire, rather than a minute after I’ve taken a load of permanent press clothes out of the dryer. I can’t help but get a bit testy when I say “No, Not Interested.”
Exciting News? You didn’t see it here tonight.
‘til Later ~~love and Huggs, Diane
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