The phone rang at 6:23 this morning.
Yes, I am available to be a TA Sub at the high school.
This business of taking my thyroid pill then having to wait an hour to eat ain’t gonna work very well if I have to be leaving the house at 7:20am. Oatmeal was rushed, tea not finished.
The snow was beginning to fall, but Husband swept off my car and got it to warming up.
My dad always said that below 20 is too cold to snow, but it was happening here at 8o.
I signed in at the Main Office. A student aide led me to another office where I could hang my coat, and was handed a folder to learn my assignment.
First Hour was about to begin, I made it to my seat with seconds to spare.
Oops…gotta darken this part. I’m learning the confidentiality rules.
The day was full of changing classes, a quest for the rest room, and lunch in a brightly lighted cafeteria.
Deep Breath. I wrote all my notes on the page in the folder, placed it in the proper box, went to the Office and signed out. There were 6 names on the Sub List.
All my financial paperwork was done weeks ago, at the District Office. My paycheck will be done Direct Deposit.
Other than a few hours as a Fill-In as the church custodian, today was first earned wages in a long time.
I had to ask a Hall Monitor which Exit for the Staff Parking Lot.
The snow was mostly blown off my car. I had parked into the wind, but the engine started on the first try.
Right next to it, the Special Ed Supervisor was clearing her car. She said she got a fine report about me from the Biology teacher.
They will be calling me again.
On the way home, I stopped for milk and bread. To stock up seemed like the right thing to do during a snowstorm.
My eyes have finally adjusted to the house’s lower light levels.
Barring extreme circumstances, I’m in for the evening.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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