Halloween should not happen on a Monday

I have been corrected for the previous post in that oldest son Joe was a construction worker with a beard.  The tool he used, and which had a light source, was a new-fangled measuring device for figuring out the square-footage of the work site.

My friend who has a 3-year-old daughter updated me in that the door-to-door time would be from 5pm to 8pm.  It has rained all day, cold and blowy, but I did turn on the porch light, just in case anyone could brave the weather.

At 7:40pm, several college students came to the porch and asked for non-perishable groceries for a charity event.  They refused any of the chocolate bars, and when I said I had no canned goods ready because I had given somewhere else, they just thanked me for my time and went on their way out into the cold, wet darkness.

Seems like this whole holiday has been a downer for me.  I’m stuck on doing that Comp paper.  The one that must be 10 pages in length.  My guys tell me it is emotional, I fret too much, just get to it, only a Rough Draft due tomorrow.  Total Stressville.
Maybe I should ask my therapist.  Even she says that what must be done just must be done and face up to it.
I can do it when I am down to the deadline, when I get a chance for Revisions.  Why can’t I plan far enough in advance?  I’ve been reading sources for a week.  I had about 3 pages typed on Saturday and got frustrated and said Discard because I didn’t think it was good enough and I would never use it.

My everloving spouse persuaded me that some caffeine would be good for me.  In mid-afternoon, he drove us in the VW Beetle Bug (which has no windshield wipers for awhile) to the coffee shoppe.  I got a cup of the new Peppermint Mocha, and that cheered me up but did not do any typing. 
Although the lady at the library said she likes the apples embroidered on my sweatshirt.  I suppose that should count for something….
~~love and Huggs, Diane

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