Hello, Kiddies! I’m Home!
I had a great time at the camp, with friends (my sides ache from all the laughing and walking—sometimes both at the same time) and much good food that I neither had to cook myself nor clean up (other than carrying a tray of dishes to the window of the dish room). I finished the current baby afghan, and made two potholders. One of the latter was given to the camp hostess. It’s become a running joke between us that I always make something to give to her, usually crocheted while on the premises.
There was a pontoon boat ride, but the pictures on the chip inside the camera are a promised treat to be enjoyed after I get all my homework done.
We got back in town Sunday around 5:30pm, so I had time to clear out my belongings and start a load of laundry before going to see Mad Hot Ballroom at the historic theatre downtown.
The lady in the seat beside me had guests visiting from out of town. They were mighty impressed with sitting again in a place with a balcony, how happy and clean the place is, seeing this recommended movie on the big screen.
While walking on the way home, I stopped at a low wall to prop up my foot and tie my shoe. A guy stopped right beside me to tie his shoe. I’m so gullible, naive really. As I stood up, I realized the guy was Husband, and he had come to meet me outside the theatre but I did not spot him. He caught up with me at the wall. He said I would be such an easy mark for a mugger.
I suppose it does happen, but in a college town there’s usually someone out and about. Why, over at the next building, there were several skateboarders within yelling distance. All that testosterone would come to the rescue for someone the age of their mothers. Well, anyway, I talked so much during the rest of the walk home, telling him all about the weekend, the lives of my friends, how good the movie was. Details coming later. Right now, I am supposed to be catching up assignments for classes.
The Music Appreciation Instructor let us know on Friday that class would not meet today, Monday, first—because he has a meeting, and second—to give us a bit of time to work on the research paper assignment. Josquin des Prez and “El Grillo”. The syllabus says a Listening Quiz happens Friday.
There’s also the Rough Draft/Rebuttal for Composition, and viewing two online videos for Ed Psyche. I’m crossing my fingers that Math would carry over, since class was cancelled unexpectedly last Thursday.
I’m worried most about Composition, but this is just the Rough Draft, and Instructor is said to be an easy grader. Chris had her class a couple semesters ago.
Golly, I really gotta go. I promised myself this wouldn’t take long and I should be in the shower by now cuz I must get to the library where there is real work to be done.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
ps Did I mention that my mother-in-law arrives from Seattle on Tuesday evening? The house is a mess, but she’s real polite about not mentioning anything negative about our housekeeping skills. She’s glad to see us people, never mind the clutter.
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