When I returned from Algebra class, I found an e-mail waiting from my cousin who lives in Fairbanks, Alaska.
“Hi folks,
It is spring time at my house. The snow is melting and the ice on the river is slowly crumbling. We have brown crunchy grass covered with scum and moose droppings everywhere. The temperatures have been in the 50’s and we have these phenomenal puddles covering the intersections. The girls and I used to name them for the great lakes according to their size. Everyone is washing their cars and trucks only to have them caked with mud again within 24 hours. However, WE HAVE SWANS ON THE RIVER.
These pictures aren’t the best but I hope that you can see that they are swans on the river. They have been in front of the house for several hours but won’t stay much longer. They are the most beautiful creatures to visit our little corner of the world. I hope that your part of the world is filled with the sights and sounds of spring.
Love Brenda
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