Kelli’s Song for Amy

My friend Amy had a birthday last month.  At her dinner, her youngest daughter gave a CD as a gift.  It is a recording of Kelli singing a song she wrote herself for the special occasion.

Here is the explanation and the words to the song, which I blatantly copied, then posted here.

Sunday, April 22, 2007
What this is.

So I wrote a song for my mother for her birthday….this is it, she wanted it available to family members, so this was the easiest route. Please do not judge me, nor throw things.
Also keep in mind that A.) I don’t sing for a living
B.) it was my first song that I’ve written, and recorded, and also it was done in an intimidating envirornment.

Young and alone, left my one home, what will I do with a baby right now.

Always took time, always took love, just to get me to here
You made the space, did what you could to help me find, a way to be. All, all that I am, I owe to you.

The look in your eyes, told me not to cry, I knew by your voice you were willing to try.

Always took time, always took love, just to get me to here.
You made the space, did what you could to help me find, a way to be. All, all that I am, I owe to you.

Family I have now, a home to call my own. A beautiful daughter to teach what you taught me.

Always took time, always took love, just to get me to here.

You made the space, did what you could to help me find, a way to be. All, all that I am, I….all that I am….all that I am….all that I am I owe to you.

This is a link to a myspace page with Kelli singing.

It was written as a birthday gift, but it could be a good rerun for Mother’s Day.

Thanks, Kelli.

and Happy Belated Birthday, Amy.

~~love and Huggs, Diane


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