The morning is cloudy, warm 64o oh dear, raining again :long:
Husband went down to check the basement and found water on the floor in the corner. No matter what we have done in all the years we have lived in this house, hard and long rain manages to get into the basement somehow. Every lower thing in that room is either on wheels or in plastic bins.
Since son Chris needs our big mop and bucket at his rental house for the same problem, I went out last week and bought a smaller bucket and wringer for us here. My wrists don’t like using a mop anymore, but I can toss down some old beach towels, then squeeze them in the wringer to get the job done.
I sopped up and poured out two gallons whilst Husband was cooking oatmeal for breakfast.
Then I emptied the dehumidifier container down the laundry sink, replaced it, set the machine to Maximum Dry, then came upstairs to eat.
SubFinder schedule says “No Jobs Available” which is fine with me. Actually, those words onscreen belay the guilt I would feel if I turned down a job, knowing I was needed at a place where I earn wages.
Sopping up water in one’s own house is working for a different reason.
Plus, my run of antibiotics is through, but there is still a sour taste in my mouth.
I have been able to cut back how often I take ibuprofen, but the toothache is still with me.
Procedure happens on Monday.
I’ll be glad when all this is over.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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