My steel, size 8 crochet hook has been getting quite a workout the last few days. Having already sent off 5 bookmarks to my mom for her own gift-giving pleasure, given away 2 for graduation achievements, there are 9 waiting to be wet and stretched on the pins.
my camera battery needs some time in the charger
Even though I am busy here beside the window, using natural light to best advantage, I am thinking of my friends far away who also do crafty projects for good.
This morning’s e-mail brings the news that a friend’s dad has passed on,
so I will be crocheting something for her and for her mother.
This morning’s paper, in the Ask Amy column, the writer mentions that the charity request by a family of the deceased is not to her liking.
Amy says to just send a note of condolence without making a contribution.
I’m glad I am able to have something handmade to tuck into the sympathy card. Apparently, it’s okay to not spend money while being sincere.
Husband’s get well card pile is growing.
I am a bit of a ‘visual’ admirer, so I like to look at all the pictures and different signatures. He watches from the other table with a fond expression on his face.
The washer is on its last spin, so I gotta go.
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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