Washer is Down

Well, Lucas went back to his place a bit more relaxed and with a full tummy.

He had to be at the prep cook job at 7am Wednesday, just 2 days after Christmas.
His cat Scratchy was so happy to get into the car.
Our own cats are much less worried about their territory.
I wish they would all just get along.  This time was easier than last, so maybe they will become buddies with future visits.

This evening, we parents, along with son Chris and his girlfriend, went out for oolong tea, won ton soup and egg rolls. The food is very good and plentiful, and I did already mention the wonderful hot tea with a bottomless pot.
The music was a warbling singer and very loud from the speakers. I finally asked the host if it could be changed for the better and he more or less complied.

When we got home, I went down to move the laundry from washer to dryer. It had stopped in mid-cycle, leaving the clothes dripping wet in sudsy water. I tried turning the knob, turning it off at the outlet….No Response. I looked up the papers, found the warranty date and 1-800 number, then called.
The voice-mail system didn’t take long, thank my lucky stars.

The operator told me to unplug the machine, wait a minute, then re-start. I went away from the phone, did the instructions. Nothing. I went back to the phone and went through all the buttons and questions again, then got a guy operator.
A Repairman cannot come until Tuesday January 2.

Tomorrow, I will be hauling 5 loads of dry, dirty laundry in baskets (plus one very wet and dripping load in a tub) off to the laundry house. On the way, I’ll have to stop at the bank to get rolls of coins.
On the plus side of this, all the clothes will be clean in just a couple hours, rather than me going up and down to move them along between machines and clothesline all day long.

I borrowed another book from the library, so I’ll read awhile.
Hopefully all will be done before the Yarn Group meeting where I can relax.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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