The Birds and the Cat

The other evening when I was trimming tree branches, I was given a severe talking to by a mama cardinal guarding her nest.
I might not have even noticed it in the bush behind the garage, but she made sure I kept my distance.
The daddy cardinal is keeping watch either on the clothesline or the handle of the lawnmower.

Beautiful creatures who have managed to avoid anybody’s camera lens for days.

I found this picture when I did a Google Image search.

Our cat Oscar also has noticed.  He, who has never ever been interested in any one particular corner of the patio, has decided the warm concrete closest to the bush can be a great place for a snooze in the sunshine.

And all I can hear the whole time I am trying to read the Sunday paper (this is Tuesday) is that daddy cardinal’s little chirps and yips of warning and distraction.

I finally went out and picked up a protesting Oscar and carried him into the house.

The birds outside got quiet, but the cat’s chirps and yips just inside the kitchen door are about to drive me crazy!

The cardinal is the mascot bird of several states, including Illinois.
They mate for life.

A couple years ago, Oscar proudly dropped a male cardinal at my feet.  Its neck had been broken, and its feathers showed some wetness and roughing up.
The lady cardinal sat out on the fence post crying all evening.

Believe me, I don’t want a repeat scenario.

I just gotta be ever so watchful until the birdies get those younguns some better living conditions!
~~love and Huggs, Diane
Update: 16 June Thursday evening
DoF managed to get pictures with the telephoto lens and has written a post.

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