Those with a queasy stomach should just move on past. Although I wasn’t brave enough to take a picture.
Begin at the beginning.
Saturday, I noticed a pain coming on in my right cheek.
At first I thought it might be a toothache. Last trip to the dentist was in mid-May, and mouth innards checked out as good as they usually are. However, just to be sure, I flossed well between the teeth of my upper right side, and chomped on some pecans without any odd problems.
Not a headcold, nor any other aches or symptoms. Besides, it was 93o outside, and I walked downtown to the Sugar Creek Arts Festival and got home a bit overheated.
By Sunday, I could hardly stand to touch even the outside of my cheek. This is a sinus problem, and apparently getting worse.
I tried blowing my nose, and succeeded in making my ears pop, but the sinus wouldn’t download.
I tell you, by Monday, I wanted to stuff a crochet hook up there and just yank it out!
There are some who would say it was time for medical intervention, but I wasn’t about to go to the doctor for a local little problem and have her prescribe some sort of pills that make the whole body feel woozy.
Then my nurse’s training kicked in. It might be 28 years since I learned infection procedures, but I decided I can do a bit of research on myself. Nothing to lose, and a trip to the clinic if I failed.
So, Tuesday morning while in the shower, I took a great gasp of air, held my breath, then put my head back and let water run into my nose. Three or four times I did this. Then I felt something letting go in my cheek. Pain, oh the Pain.
One more time with the water flush, then I took the washcloth and blew my nose hard into it. A gob of goo came out, and I got a bit dizzy.
I set aside the washcloth, turned off the water and sat down on the edge of the tub. Once I got my bearings, I finished the shower.
Just as I picked up the washcloth to rinse it, curiosity got the better of me.
It seems I have been watching too many CSI episodes on TV.
I took the specimen to the window ledge, in a brighter light, and examined it closely. The whole um, pile was about 2 cm across. Much shiny slime, some yellowish snot, flecks of blood, and what looked like a dried worm. I surmise that might even be a blood clot, about 1cm long.
And then, what’s this? A straight gray hair, completely surrounded by mucus. I can even tell you from its coloring that it came from the girl cat.
Just as I was about to take the cloth outside and put it under the high pressure hose, I noticed one more tiny piece of lint-like fuzz. Separated that from the rest with a toothpick, and by its color of bright yellow, and the fact that it was a bit curly, I knew it is a fiber from the yarn of my latest afghan project.
My sinus was waging a battle. All the protective cells were trying to get the invaders out. And if not out, then by crackies, they weren’t getting any further into my head! That was quite a barricade of clots and mucus built up. And what I had to go through to break it up!
For much of the last two days, wherever I put my head down to write Algebra problems, I get a drip of clear mucus from my nose. Healing, just like a good body is supposed to do.
Aren’t we a wondrous creation?
~~love and Huggs, Diane
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