Cats and Sons are a good mix

The weather was extremely cold a few days ago, but with extra people in the house, the cats, Oscar and Mahalia, wanted to go outside a little more often.
Whenever one would actually go out past the threshold, I took to saying “Oscar is OUT, 9 o’clock” so that I would have a mental mark and not leave them outdoors too long becoming a cat icicle.

Although one evening the guys went to a store or somewhere, I got interested in something on TV for a whole hour, and when I finally went into the kitchen, there was poor kitty sitting just outside the window.  He was most disgruntled when he brushed past my ankles.

Lucas left Friday on a train to Chicago.  He was headed to his meet his sweetie at her parents’ house for the night, then he and Milly caught a plane to California, on a day when the weather co-operated and planes were able to resemble routine schedules.
They had Christmas with their families, then will begin the New Year together before Lucas comes back to Illinois to finish his last semester for his Master’s.

This evening, Husband and Chris went out to a store, then to check on Chris’s apartment.  It is not fit for living in, so the kid will be here awhile, until the landlord complies with whatever the Inspector requires.

I put a CD into the stereo and tackled the clearing of must-gos from the fridge, then loaded the dishwasher.

When Chris came in, he began to giggle.  After the week the kid has had, I’m very glad as a mom to hear him giggle, but I could not figure out what could be so funny at that moment.

Then he mentioned the instrumental music.  This isn’t just any music.  Light Jazz Christmas is one of the very first CDs I ever bought, copyright 1993.  by Golly, I just looked it up on Amazon, and it’s selling for $5.50 Used.
Chris says this brings back some good memories from his childhood, but now, having an education as a music major, he knows some aspects are lacking.

Oscar has returned.  Good thing Chris was passing through the kitchen and spied cold kitty at the window.
He was 28 minutes outside, and he is not happy about it being so long.

I’m not sure what I’m meaning to say here.

Maybe that I have had to make more adjustments than I want to, but Family and cats are nice to have around.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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