Part Rayon makes it soft for baby

From my point of view, my crochet is becoming a rerun.
Lately, I’ve been quite busy with real life, so the crochet is a heap of items where the patterns are easy, the stitches routine.

Most definitely, something nice does come of it.  A couple weeks ago, there were folks who paid good money at a fundraiser for a few of my cotton potholders and a couple bookmarks.

This past weekend, I was glad to have something handy which I didn’t have to count, it was just back and forth over and over, while Husband was snoozing with the IV drip going.

latest baby blanket was worked in double crochet in 10 days

The sides measure 42” by 44”.  The hook was a size I, much larger than recommended for the thread which is Aunt Lydia’s “Shimmer” Fashion of 64% cotton/ 36% rayon and gets a whole new story itself.

Ya see, when I’m making something for someone I know, someone I want to do a bit extra for, I will usually pay full price for yarn or thread and work a fine pattern.

Most of the time, when I crochet, I am simply working with hook and thread because I need to keep my hands busy, my ADD mind in rhythm.  I tend to look at Clearance bins, use coupons, take whatever anyone from church gives me in a bag to be able to have the next project.

This shimmer yarn usually has a price of $4.49 for 124 yards, probably because of the rayon blend.  One day last summer at Hobby Lobby, I found 4 yellow, 2 blue, 4 lilac in a basket for only 50c each.  Those are pastels baby colors, so I thought being such quality thread even at low price, I would work it up into something personal and soft.
However, the bag, still with receipt inside was on the top of my yarn bin, so it’s what got made next.

Whenever folks would see me working with such pretty yarn, they asked who would be the lucky giftee.  When I mentioned the 50c a ball, they could hardly believe it.  Most unusual, to discount certain types of thread.

With the tension of the last couple weeks, I’m thinking this nice thread won’t need to wait for just the right person.  I’m going to donate it to the Mennonite Relief Sale and let whoever wants to buy it believe it was made speshly for them.

I’m also going to work on a bunch of cotton potholders.  Apparently, they sell well in the Needlework Booth.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

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