Just a bit of catching up

First Tuesday in November means Election Day! I already did my part, signed my name on a form at a table with some nice ladies from the neighborhood sitting behind it.

Too bad they were so busy, we usually are able to have a nice catch-up on what all our kids are doing these days.

It was difficult to decide what to do when a few of the folks were running unopposed, and because I left a couple blank, the Judge had to turn a special key to allow the page to go all the way into the bin.

The sun is shining, so I walked across the parking lot to the credit union. Cashed the check paid by the county for me serving on Jury Duty a couple weeks back. Did get to have a nice chat with the clerk there, who had a photo of her grandaughter in a cute little “good witch” costume.

SubFinder told me this morning there were No Jobs Available, so I have list of chores to do at home. And at some time, I want to sit down and figure out the pattern for making booties on the smallest peg loom I already own.

We are managing to get along without Mahalia. People and Oscar are missing our sweet girl kitty. Thanks to all who sent sympathy cards in the mail. Really nice sentiments and signatures.

There goes the dryer buzzer. Perma-press clothes, so I should get them out quick to save from wrinkles.

~~love and Huggs, Diane

About MrsDOF

A gal with a kind heart. Married to a nice guy. Empty Nest. Part-time flexible job in the public school system. Loves to work with yarn.
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